How to get thermite in Fortnite

Thermite is one of the new items added to the loot pool as part of Chapter 6 Season 2 of Fortnite.

Thermite is an explosive item that you can use to blast through the reinforced walls of bank vaults and vault cars in Fortnite. In one of the Week 1 quests, you are told to “Collect Bars while inside a Bank Vault.” In order to do this quest, and break into other reinforced areas, you’ll need thermite.

The rest of this guide will explain how to get thermite in Fortnite and where to find it.

Thermite is a rare item in Fortnite that you can find scattered across the new map. Overall, it shouldn’t be that hard to find it since there are several ways to collect it. The item itself looks like two sticks of dynamite that are taped together. Here is every way we were able to collect it:

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